Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Summers end

It is hard to believe that summer (as marked by Papa's work schedule) is coming to an end. It feels like just yesterday he was packing up his classroom for the summer break. The family has been sooo busy starting a new business and trying to adjust to each others schedule that the days just seemed to melt away. All of our dreams of days by the lake and summer evenings spent sipping lemonade by the river have faded into the reality that this is our last week of summer break.

I pride myself on the fact that I never complain about the weather, however, since it snowed here until June I am just NOT ready for winter quite yet.

SOOOOO... that being said, I am living each moment until school starts again as if the summer has just started and we have all the time in the world to relax and enjoy our new family.

O is so amazing, he has started to really lift his sweet little head to look around. He is smiling all the time and generally seeming to love this big world!

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